Democratic Socio Capitalism (DSC) is at best defined as a means of using capitalism to achieve societal prosperity and productivity with the involvement and benefit of all people. It should not be confused with Socialism (, Democratic Socialism (, Libertarian Socialism (, etc., or other so-called left wing political philosophies.
It still essentially is Capitalism with democratically engineered checks and balances so structured as to avoid greed or self-interest to be the prime driver of human endeavors and economic advancement. Some of the goals for achieving DSC are the following: (a) Developing a mechanism of reforming/amending the constitution of the united states (COTUS) whenever needed with direct consent of the people to meet the current and future needs of our changing society; (b) Let Capitalism flourish with guidelines framed with people’s consent through direct democracy (of the people; by the people; for the people) and engineering a system that would not create a societal divide like the privileged 1% and rest 99%, like we have today; (c) Removing excesses and bias by providing checks and balances and protection from the “abuse” of our fundamental rights (; (d) Mitigating corruption and improving execution speed by instituting a constitutional requirement to maintain transparency and time-bound execution in all governmental transactions; (e) Constitutionally mandate all federal and state political office bearers (including the President of the United States) to work within prescribed guidelines otherwise face removal from office; (f) Make and amend laws with direct consent of the people (not through elected representatives) to decide on vexing and controversial issues without having to go to the Supreme Court for resolution; (g) Institute an unbiased method of appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and engineer its functioning so that every decision needs to unanimous or a super-majority (no split-decisions), otherwise it automatically goes to the people for resolution; (h) Develop a method to make sure that no-party in government can break or interpret the laws to their own benefit; (i) Reconstruct or redefine work functions of the government (with the direct will of the people) in such a way that it benefits all people and with severe penalties for any individual or political party who tampers with it. So, in essence, the government’s functioning is defined and engineered (by-the-people).
Next Article – Transformation To DSC